One of the marvels of the human body is that it can defend itself against harmful invaders such as viruses or bacteria. But sometimes the defenses are too aggressive, and harmless substances such as dust mite, dust, mold or pollen are mistakenly identified as dangerous. The immune system then rallies its defenses, launching a host of complex chemical weapons to attack and destroy the supposed enemy. In the process, some unpleasant and, in extreme cases, life-threatening symptoms may be experienced by the allergy-prone individual.



There are hundreds of ordinary substances that can trigger allergic reactions. Among the most common are household dust (dust mites), plant pollens, molds, animal dander, foods, medicines, feathers and insect stings. These triggers are called "allergens." An allergic reaction may occur anywhere in the body, but usually appears in the skin, eyes, lining of the stomach, nose, sinuses, throat and lungs - places where special immune system cells are stationed to fight off invaders that are inhaled, swallowed or come in contact with the skin.



Asthma and allergies can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race or socioeconomic factors. While it is true that asthma and allergies develop more commonly in children, they can occur for the first time at any age or, in some cases, recur after many years of remission. Although the exact genetic factors are not yet understood, the tendency to asthma and allergies is linked to heredity. In susceptible people, factors such as hormones, stress, smoke, perfume or other environmental irritants may also play a role.





Allergic Rhinitis, also known as “hay fever” is a term that describes the symptoms produced by nasal irritation or inflammation. Symptoms of rhinitis include runny nose, itching, sneezing and stuffy nose due to blockage or congestion. These symptoms are the nose's natural response to inflammation and irritation.

Allergies including allergic rhinitis, affect an estimated 40 - 50 million people in the United States. Some allergies may interfere with day-to-day activities or lessen the quality of life.

Our allergen barriers and home care products are part of your treatment plan that helps to enable you to lead a life that is as normal and symptom-free as possible.



The pollen from trees, grasses and weeds is a major source of allergies. Diagnostic testing can be done to identify the pollens and then you know how to control them better.



Most people are not allergic to insect stings and should know the difference between an allergic reaction and a normal reaction.
However, simple and rapid testing can be done.
More than 500,000 people enter hospital emergency rooms every year suffering from insect stings. A severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis occurs in 0.5% - 5% of the U.S. population as a result of insect stings. At least 40 deaths per year result from insect sting anaphylaxis.



While an estimated 40 - 50 million Americans have allergies, only 1 - 2% of all adults are allergic to foods or food additives. Food allergies are more common in children



      1. An allergen barrier covering your mattress and pillow will be your best protection because you will be horrified by the fact that millions of dust mites can live in one single bed.
      2. Dust mites and bed bugs create double-trouble at night, and an allergen barrier is an effective solution to protect you and your bed from these nightmares.
      3. For true allergy relief, you need to cover your bedding with allergen barriers because “Hypo-allergenic” only means that materials made to produce the product that does not cause allergies.  They are not allergen-proof.
      4. You can use an allergen-removing laundry detergent to get rid of allergens at any water temperatures without worrying about shrinking or color bleeding from hot water.
      5. Cleaning carpets with anti-allergy treatments will reduce allergic symptoms because carpets are dust mite havens and one of the major allergy sources.
      6. To reduce the growth of mold and dust mite populations, keep humidity levels down to 35 - 40%.
      7. If you have a pet at home, air purifiers are especially helpful for controlling allergy symptoms by trapping pet dander from spreading the allergens throughout the house.
      8. The higher your folate levels, the lower your risk of having an allergic reaction to pet dander, dust mites and mold. Aim for 400 milligrams of folate per day from grapefruit, beans, kale, oranges and spinach.
      9. Ensure that your child has had an Asthma Action Plan with medications and doctor's contact information to share with his school and teachers if your child has asthma.
      10. Changing clothes and taking shower to avoid continued exposure to pollens, molds and other allergens that you might carry in if you have been outside to working or playing sports.
      11. You may have an allergy to nickel if jewelry irritates your skin, avoid nickel jewelry or applying some allergen avoidance product that creates a protective coating to prevent contact with nickel so that you can wear jewelry again.
      12. Remove chlorine by using a shower filter because chlorine is easily absorbed into the skin to strip away natural protective oils.